Monday, January 3, 2011

Just a small effort

Gopal Trital, 16 November

We were so delighted to see a rising number of viewers to our recently added video presentation "The Abandoned", about parents who were left out or abandoned by their children. It required a mere effort to create this video and it needs even a least effort to bring a care to our elders. And, if someone feels inspired, that's what we wanted to achieve. Let's spread this my dearest sister says "Small effort brings big changes".

Yes she is right. We don't need a big plan nor you need to dream big to bring a huge change in the society. You don't need to give up your profession, nor do you need to cut out your salaries, you just have to feel it from the bottom of your heart, and make a small contribution.....not in terms of money but in terms of effort or a change in attitude.

We went to this Old Age Home in our town, and we were touched by elders living there. Whatever be the condition of the Old Age Home, the owner needs a real appreciation for what he has been doing. He is running the old age home on its own. Yes, like everywhere, this old age home was also defficient of some basic stuffs. The owner had been doing his best to make all the elders feel good. But, as they say, everything needs money, it is understandable that a person alone, cannot arrange everything on his own, but whatever he has been doing, hats off to him!

What do these elders expect from us? They don't want money from us. They don't want any stuffs...all they want is love, a feeling of care that we are by their side.

Some elders are here in Old Age home, coz they lost their sons or daughters in wars, accidents or other calamities...but it's so sad to know that majority of these elders are the one who are rejected or abandoned by their own children.

How can the new generation be so self centered and selfish that it soon forgets how they were cared for, educated and supported by the old generation. I hate when they feel secured and happy, throwing away their old generation into old age home....What about themselves...they too gonna be called old generation someday.

Even, the government turns so blind towards this issue. Government just feels that elders get everything they require with a mere Elderly allowance of some 500 or 1000 rupees.

We can't stop what's going on. We can't bring the change overnight. We can't bring any big change. But, we have just made a small effort to bring a change in your heart. You don't need to contribute huge amount of money or donate to any old age home. Do things that bring happiness to your heart.

All we wanna say...."Care for your parents".

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