Sunday, November 13, 2011

War Within...

Heart and mind acts differently...

Heart always favors impressions. But it lacks the capacity to analyze. If we like someone, just likes it, it won't pause to calculate the merit, demerit, plus, minus or any outcome or any shortcomings. Body (mind) on the other hand keeps on warning; rechecks, confirms and validates every steps. Surprisingly, heart and mind speak two different languages, one doesn't understand the other.

Heart ensures its seniority over emotional matters as that's where we feel blessed or hurt when we are happy or sad. But, mind boasts of being an embodiment of ground reality.

It's always a war that we witness everyday, probably in our every actions, between heart and mind.

For a while, 'm through this pain; 've been listening to mind only; heart is hurt. And, 'm the one who has given this pain to my own heart, but for the sake of what my mind is guiding.

People say I'm a person with a golden heart: but; heart always favors impressions; and I seldom give my heart any opportunity to express it's core feelings and it remains silently hidden somewhere beneath the nutshell of mind.

Like her? Probably yes... But, no, coz she is unaware of me, what she knows is the impression she has of me. I love to be true. If a person likes your true being, that would be the true like....

Law of attraction foul plays law of logic. Heart vs mind, in other words.

Relationship status: 'm single.. :)

1 comment:

  1. dear brother,I can't help myself commenting on ur last TAG line "Relationship status: 'm single"..well, if you set so many criteria then surely you've to learn to stay with that title've to go with the flow!


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