Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Labour's day!

Do we have any differences in how we define employees, staffs, workers and labours? I think we all are same; in spite of how we work, where we work and how much we earn.

Certain attributes of employement are always common in whatever category of workforce you belong to.

There always happens to be a BOSS. His primarly responsibility is only to pass rules and laws that uses every usable pieces of employee for Organizational benefit. 90 percent of such BOSSES are crooked, in a sense that they are less interested to address issues of employees and more interested to calculate the amount of interest they earn out of their own savings. They are the CPU of this robotic system that understands no any human feelings.

Then, in almost every organization there are middle-men; not necessarily - men but could be fe-men too; but the term middle-men as they adhere to their bosses like Dogs adhere to their Gods. They are highly sincere, obedient and truthful not towards their responsibilities but in serving the BOSSES. They are highly skilled workforce; in the sense that they are skilled enough to make their BOSSES happy. Chakadi and Chaplushi are their genuine qualities.

Then, in almost every organization there are Labour-organizations-whose-names play loud songs of appraisal for staffers. They boast of being the one who would solve almost every issues pertaining to a labour. Unfortunately, almost all such organizations serve politicians or BOSSES themselves or the middle-men. They are powerful enough to call strikes and bring the organization to a permanent halt; not for the benefit of labours but for their own advantage.

And, finally, there are people like us; some of who are decorated in White-collars, others in sweats, others with mental disorders coz of high work pressures, and rest suffering from gastrointestinal diseases coz of low pay that could hardly support their families amidst the excessive price hike.

We are the one who are kept highly motivated by BOSSES, middle-men and labour organizations. Highly motivated? Yes: at least Organization thinks so.

We are the one who celebreate May day every year with hopes that we gonna be cared, and our voice gonna be heard. I wish May 1 to snatch those ear plugs off from the concerned ears..

After all it's a May day today, time for another Lecture session from some politicians or a leader from lagour-organization.

May day comes, May day goes... who cares... at least Bosses don't.

Happy Labour day! Congratulations for being befooled, yet again.