I wander to find the real "me", the unknown self that is hidden somewhere within me, with one big question mark, why I am here. I interrogate the unseen god to help me know the reason why it can't be seen but only felt, do things we feel are true or just an attribute of human brain. I am in search of answers.
I have traveled through some beautiful places. Now how do we define beauty? There are some places that are extremely beautiful and yet people are having very hard life living there.
Differences in their life and my life, compels me to continue my journey, teaches me new lessons to live a life in a more better way. 'Journey' has been inspirational so far.

I love sea. I still remember how excited I was when the first sea wave touched my feet. Having born in a landlocked country, most of my countrymen still don't know how sea looks like, how it roars and how inspiring it can be.
The way sun rises up above the sea, it gives a beautiful message that a special day has begun, live your life to the fullest, travel along with the sun, when it sets in the evening, it won't stop but will continue the journey yet again the next day and hence you also keep on moving. Next morning, there's this sunshine with same beauty, power and inspiration.

Waves come and go. It's so strange that ninty-seven percent of earth is covered by water, and millions die in need of water. What a contradiction, sea is so near, water is so rare.

I can't figure out how big it is, I can't figure out directions, can only see horizon drawing a fine line with blue colored sea.
It looks alive, powerful and true.

Fishermen are working hard to catch fish, their only source of income. I wonder how many generations will continue to have this luck to catch fish, the way countries are polluting sea water. Will we ever stop pouring chemical into the sea? How can we stop its death. I have not seen Dolphins yet. I don't know how whales look like and what are penguins.
The way we are misusing the resources, I fear my children will ever be able to see them.

I climb up towards the hill where I expect peace. Free from busy towns, I feel like I am home, on lap of mother nature. I play with clouds, wish I could fly like an eagle far distance.

There are children with hopes and pains unheard.

Wish I could do something to change their life. I meet some people on my way who look known since many births.

I remember a Sri Lankan family who welcomed me as a part of their member, a family from Bhopal who were much like my grandparents and some very special friends. How diverse our culture is, it's only the differences in our way of living that bring us together. Whatever language we speak, we all understand the language of heart.

Taj Mahal stands there with history carved into its grave. What made the King build this huge emblem, and how he felt like

when he could just have its glance from a distance through a prison. History says he built Taj Mahal for his wife, and he wanted to have the most beautiful thing constructed on earth. But how sad, he was imprisoned by his own son and he could not touch Taj Mahal after it was fully constructed. But who knows how true is the history. How many people were killed or punished or forced to build this art, to prove how much he loved his wife. Ironically, I too didn't feel any aura when I visited Taj Mahal. I could not resist thinking how the King alone got all credit for its architecture which was in fact built by thousands of talented hands and architects. I may sound stupid, but I doubt, if it was ever created for his wife, who knows the real history. History is what people write. I feel like we have failed to praise the true artists of Taj Mahal.

Who knows what happened in the past, who knows what would happen in the future, who knows if present even exists. The existence of present moment is still unproved in Science. We all are living either in the past or in the future and I can't pause the time.
I know I will never have my questions answered. All I can do is continue walking. But all these journeys empower me with power to choose right path and an inspiration to keep on moving. People I meet on my way help me to learn from their experiences, few things that I share might also inspire them and may be someday, I too can change the way it looks.
Journey is still on....
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