Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wish I could be in dream..

The moment I'm awake
I regret
Wish I could be in dream
a little more
It was almost the end
where I had reached
and, right there
I could be granted
The life of a King
Who could then start for
a journey of his choice,
To win the world
and make it alive
with power of love

Almost a magic
Was passed onto him
To end the despair
And, fear of coffin
Until a dark storm
Disturbed the scene
and made me appear here,

The moment I woke up
The conspiracy was on
Not to confer the freedom
Reality, the prison
wish I could be back
and, fight against
To grab my rights
my life of sailor

The conspirer has won,
yet again,
My realities getting clearer
His sin fades feeble then
yet, it recurrs more stronger
every time that I dream

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time; something I wanna say...

Time; shall I write you
something that I wanna say?
Coz, I know that you too know
I gonna write something about today

Give me your anger;
I shall gift you a sack full of smile
Coz, I know that you too know
anger makes you look bad and grey

Words; why do you hear
That you know I would never say
And, even if you do
Give me your anger;
I shall gift you a sack full of smile
Coz, I know that you too know
My heart knows no words to express
But just the language of smile
Truth and respect

Time; shall I write you
Something that I wanted to say
Coz, I know that you too know
No pain troubles me much
Except, when,
my own words misinterpret.