Looking back at Year 2011
Year 2011; a year full of adventures, curiosities,
questions, answers, pain, cries, tears, sadness, happiness, excitement,
prayers, hopes, wait, patience, success, travel, dances, songs, everything…..
Here I summarize some of my beautiful memories from the
Year 2011.
A New Start!
Year 2011, January brought in my life a belief of
achieving a new horizon. Time had come to initiate a new start. And, we made
My sister’s volunteering travel to Vietnam was one of
the most remarkable achievements. For everyone else, it was just a flight
to Vietnam, but my sister and I knew it was so precious for us. And,
that hadn't come through easy means. It was after a series of
struggles, prayers, wait, distress, hopes and patience.
My soul sister; I had always seen in my sister’s eyes something meaningful. She was full of positive energies, always, no
matter what the situation would bring. It was even long before Global Volunteer
Network’s competition's result announcement, I had felt somewhere in my heart
that she would be going a long way.
One month; her volunteering days in Vietnam for all
those children, was a learning experience for me and my sister. My sister was
being alive, waking every morning with a meaningful smile on her face. Every
day, sunshine would bring her new hopes and encouragement to keep herself walk
towards her goal. She was teaching kids, helping elderly people to smile and
sharing a bit of happiness to everyone. And, reading her blogs, I was learning about life.
March- ‘Be The Change’ conference in Florence of
Italy. I realized my sister was no longer a simple girl; she was growing up to
become an inspiring reason. Her plan to help a poor girl student by arranging funds from her friends was just an example how she wanted to reach her
goal. Her goal in life was to bring lights for all those needy people. And, for
that reason she wished to study hard, and be knowledgeable enough to address
their issues.
August – flight to Finland. I was in Kathmandu to see
off my sister. We were quite busy shopping, making arrangements for her travel,
doing vague calculations and amidst all these, somewhere in a small corner of
my heart I was already missing her, a thought that she would be soon departing
to Finland for three years, was bringing some sort of sadness, for she was my
only closest person, my best friend.
We were sitting outside Tribhuvan International
Airport waiting her turn for the entrance. Clock was ticking hard so fast, oh,
that was the moment we were waiting for, since the beginning of Year 2011, and
there we were living it. I was quiet, trying to console myself that she was not
going away but was getting closer to her dreams. It was about our dreams. My
sister’s dream.
That final moment; she entered the Airport; waving us
a bye; I was crying in a strange way, not showing to the outer-world. Prayers.
Prayers. I kept on looking towards her, till I could, and then she faded out
amongst the crowd. In a matter of second, Kathmandu looked all empty. But, I
was the happiest person on earth, for my sister was flying towards her real
dream…yay! We made it.
That was not the end. That was the beginning of a new
Living the life at various settings
Our house was
being renovated. I opted to stay alone, to discover the real self.
Birthday celebration with Neetu_Joshi di & Chetna_Bhandari di |
My first place of
residence was at Neetu_Joshi-di’s flat. She was away on a
leave, and that brought me a new place of residence for a month. Oh! that
was the most memorable living experience. My first ever cooked chicken soup was
bad enough to throw it away, but it was the tastiest dish I had ever made myself.
Surprisingly, it worked; the reason for which I had cooked it, to cure the
cold; I was successful. I was living like a king without any worries of
load-shedding for the flat was always supplied with uninterrupted power from
the inverters. While the whole world seemed silent due to long power cuts, I
used to watch my favorite shows on TV. Every morning, kids used to play
discordant songs out of their games, which was the only effective alarm to wake
myself early. There were no ways to avoid those noisy kids, either get adapted
to the situation or wake up and make a new start towards your dream.
Birthday celebration with Chetna_Bhandari di |
Arun_Malla-dai’s room; again, he was on leave for a month, and I moved at his place. Coming to
his room, it was like moving from tranquil Himalayas to scorching African
desert. I was no longer a king, but was one of all who had no options than to
stay silent during load-shedding hours. To make it worst, there was no any sign
of coolness in the room. Bed, floor, TV, Bathroom, water, everything seemed
emerged in heat. But, as I say, it’s the situation that brings out true
abilities in you; I soon started adapting to the new circumstance.
With Birkha_RajGurung dai & Neetu_Joshi di @Koshi Tappu |
flat; he was all alone in a five roomed flat, so I
promoted myself from being a single resident to a flat-mate. Birkha_Raj_Gurung
dai; the only word that can describe him is ‘Cool’. I had never seen a cool
person like him who always remained constantly happy throughout. He had a
magical charm, and I never saw him getting angry or sad. I wish if everyone
including me would be like him, we would have never lost any relations. Sharing
the same flat for next seven months, I learnt that he was a hardworking person,
a loving and supporting husband to his wife who was studying far away, a caring
son and a good human. Every evening, he used to cook food himself, and for no
any single day he complained. I was staying there like a rude flat mate,
without paying my share of room rent, leaving my room in disparity with clothes
everywhere and at times, waking him from his sleep to open the flat-door during
my late arrivals; but he was always same. I never saw him complaining, never
heard him back-biting about others; never saw him living a double life, never
faking things, unlike many others. He was like a brother, with a sweet smile.
I’m grateful to
Neetu_Joshi-di, Arun_Malla-dai and Birkha_Raj_Gurung-dai for helping me
discover the art of living independent life. Thank you for providing me the
shelter and a wonderful lesson that it’s not where we live defines us, but
it’s in all how we live.
Re-discovering Prashanti Nilayam
September, 2011. I was lucky enough to help an Indian
family reach Puttaparthy for the treatment of their female family member’s
complicated heart disease. She was treated all free of cost and with all care.
She got a new life!
It was my fifth visit to Prashanti Nilayam. But, the
first visit since Sathya Sai Baba left his body.
Prashanti Nilayam – was once my place of stay for
three months during when I was preparing for the entrance examination to study
in Sathya Sai’s college. But, I was counted unsuccessful citing an unsatisfying
reason. During those days, Prashanti Nilayam had witnessed my frustrations,
pain, tears, hunger, sufferings and prayers; I feel like the place relates to
my reality, knows me, the real me.
I was never a die-hard supporter of Sathya Sai Baba,
never believed blindly that he was the incarnation but yes, I have always
admired him for I have always considered him as a great person who has not only
revived millions of people through Water projects, Educational institutes and
free-service Super-specialty hospitals; but has also motivated people to follow
the path of peace and virtue through his wonderful teachings.
But this year, something made me turn my head to
enquire about him from a different angle.
I was praying in a Ganesh Temple when an old lady who
was sitting on a wheel chair called me in a strong voice and demanded me to
take her to her room. The same evening, she saw me walking and asked me to take
her to the Gayantri temple. She was quite weighty. She might have been twice my
weight and didn’t look any weak or ill. At Gayantri temple, I was shocked when
she didn’t hear Volunteer’s request, didn’t obey temple’s rules and even
started talking about Security Officer of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust
back-biting his stringent actions. I noticed she was not having severe
complication to walk, and in fact, she was acting lazy to walk, which would
have been at least beneficial to cut off her weight. Back in Ganesh temple, she
would demand anyone to come before her and they must have to listen to her
words against security officer; and at times follow what she would order. She
would stay there as the Big Boss, ordering the volunteers, and sometime even
verbally accusing them if they would not follow her orders.
I later knew that she was one of the rare luckiest
people on earth who Sathya Sai had personally called to stay in Pranshanti
Nilayam and sing Bhajans for him. She was staying there for more than thirty
years, and I was surprised, she was not following even the basic teaching of
Sathya Sai to follow path of love and peace.
Being there, she was not changed in thirty years, how
people thousand miles away would expect the change singing Sai Bhajans, I
Prashanti Nilayam suddenly looked like a place filled
with ignorant people. They either had a blind faith or were largely exaggerated
by the fellow Sai Devotee. No one would allow anyone to question about Satya
Sai’s genuineness. And, even if questions are raised, they would try
discouraging such attempts with theories from ancient writings like Ramayana
and Mahabharat which are still not been proved to have been a record of real
Observing The Changed Look of Prashanti-Nilayam |
I was taken aback by a simple yet meaningful question
by my friend.
We were returning from a show in ‘Chaitanya Jyoti’
museum where they had highlighted Satya Sai’s teachings about the importance of
service to others. The documentary featured a character who was a poor cobbler
who later realizes that he needs to help poor to make himself or the god happy.
He realizes that he was doing a mistake by hating an old beggar woman. He later
starts caring the old beggar woman and asks for the forgiveness for his cruel
The message was simple; serve poor, you will serve me
(Sathya sai). We were approaching Prashanti Nilayam where almost 10-15 beggars
were lined up outside the ashram perimeter pleading for help, food and money.
My friend asked me, “Gopal, there are many biggies, including trustees,
who are living here in Prashanti Nilayam. They have apartments, cars, flashy
businesses, and no doubt heck of money, and they claim themselves to be an
adherent Devotee of Sai Baba…. If everyone here is following Satya Sai’s
teachings…then why are these beggars here every day? Why aren’t they helped? If
the message from the documentary was counted seriously, there should have been
no beggars here…right?”
I was speechless.
What is the use of spirituality if it doesn't make a person polite,
soft-spoken and loving. Worshipping doesn't make a person religious. This is
what I find lacking in Prashanti Nilayam and the residents here. This is one
area where I feel Sai Baba has failed to educate Puttaparthy-people and his
so-called disciples. (FB post /gopaltrital)
'm having lots of questions; doubts n confusions about its existence,
genuineness n its effect on my life, specifically satya sai. Am I turning
atheist? I wish to be like those in a science class, if u don't question, don't
doubt n believe blindly on your teacher, how would u learn? At the end, if I
turn atheist, it would be more logical than a superstitious faith. ( FB
post /gopaltrital )
My mind needed an answer; I was full of curiosities. I tried looking Satya
Sai literatures, but they just appeared either like monotonous praise of Satya
Sai or unaccounted/unproved records of his miracles. There were thousand
questions and not a single answer that could justify my curiosity.
Even the last claim of Satya Sai that he would die at the age of
’95?’ was being either answered as a mystery or exaggerated to have been
fulfilled through some strange calculations.
No doubt, India has many Babas, Gurus, Bhagwans, Matas, Yogis, who are
politically attested, safeguarded and their properties are never accounted for.
This year marked as my growth from a believer to seeker to Devout Atheist.
Advertised (sometime referred) Yogis, Gurus, Godmen tend to hide behind the
so-called true ideologies of said holy epics like mahabharat, ramayan, bible,
etc. whenever a cross question is asked. Sometime I feel like these said epics
were created by a genius artist as a true creation; a creative story or a
drama. N, over the ages people found this as a tool to control a set of people
who else could not be controlled physically. People, who wanted to rule, could
now rule by creating an image of superpower called god, who would punish if a
rule is broken. (FB post /gopaltrital)
Initializing the dream ‘Into the Wild’
Destination; don't ask me where I'm heading for; it's
all unknown; you just wish me a luck that the road be ended somewhere near
I always want to travel. The reason why I travel,
however, might be different.
Now, a new journey awaits me, 'I want to live my life,
my way'... You might have your own paths to define that happiness; keep it for
yourself... I have my own, though a little different, it's the best for me!
The bike ride started from Itahari. My destination, for the time being, was
Kathmandu. I was excited, happy and proud of myself that I was doing it.
The Bike ride from Biratnagar to Kathmandu was such an
amazing experience, though with some pain in ***, I would never regret coming
here on Bike. For everyone who might ask why the heck I needed to be on bike
rather than bus, 'we always do that'; sometime there needs no reason to do
things; things you've always wanted to do...it's sometime special doing things
differently, in a weird way, step ahead! (FB post / gopaltrital)
The 90 km /hr bike ride through plains was a thrilling
experience. The scenic hills kept me move ahead. Tea stops, people, their
changing faces and speaking styles; from east to west; the ride was just the
beginning of my dream ‘Into the Wild’.
I have not been chained, you can't see me locked
anywhere, but that doesn't mean I'm always free. Someone asked me 'what do you
want to be free from?’ Everything. (Blogpost, 15 Nov)
Yes, I always wanted to unleash myself. Without
anyone’s control, anyone’s support, I wanted to make it happen. I wanted to see
how far I can pull my abilities to bring out the reality in my dream. I wanted
to start it someway, found the bike ride as one of those ways.
I was not expecting anything. I was in search of my
questions, the unknown happiness - real happiness. No one else would be able to
understand what happiness truly meant for me, so I myself had to make the
attempt and it’s always better to try rather than regretting. I was speeding
all alone, through the deserted highway, observing the digital speedometer
change its number along with the rocking beats on my earphone.
I tell you it's an amazing journey you live, that I
can't write about but only experience, when you pass through a highway
penetrating scenic hills on your both sides, crossing long bridges and
reflecting upon every songs being rocked on your ears... (FB Post
The bike ride to Lumbini from Hetauda was unplanned.
It all happened; out of nowhere; without a valid reason; yet for a meaningful
My wandering has brought me here to this place where
once a great wanderer was born. He wandered to find the cause of sorrow; while
I'm wandering to find the real happiness; for things I've been lacking……
I was often shot hard by this question "why did
you choose to travel alone, and don't you feel bored". I am without
answers. Friends looked unconvinced by my wandering for the unknown; they
misunderstood the reason. I have no logics and theories to prove that my reason
is genuine nor I claim its genuineness. I might be wandering for a meaningless
reason or it might yield me no result, but I had to start this. It's always
better to try once, than complaining for your problems. This is my way to find
the solution, my way to realize the unknown. (Blogpost from Lumbini / 26
November )
One day, you will come to ask this, 'so what did u
gain?', I shall reply you with a smile that would tell all my story.... no
regrets! (FB Post back @ Biratnagar , 30 November)
Now, it feels like a huge pause, dark silence after a
soaring bike ride...I was more alive when I was on the go... Missing the life I
lived! The more I write, the more I would get misunderstood; wandering never
stops; why?
Let me free, Higher n Higher, Color of happiness, Let
it not bother, A glimpse of sweet pain; Silent scream, That's never heard; Take
me far away, Into my world, Where differences die, Let me free..
"And, when I'll Go, It Won't Be A Bang, But A
Silence Will Prevail. It Won't Fetch Tears But Will Inspire Smiles. It Won’t Be
"Into The Wild" But "Into The Life"...
Renouncing Love (?)
Do you want me to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to your
- 'm not in state to say ‘Yes’ or
‘No’…so you better focus on your studies and career and move on!
Love speaks enigmatic language. I know it’s all about
perceptions, but for me, love doesn't necessarily mean - 'to be in
I don’t know if it was a love (your kind of love) when it had all started years
back. Through all these years, either we have misjudged our feelings or
misunderstood our reactions. I am not saying I am right, I could be wrong, but
that necessarily doesn’t mean, you were always right.
loving is just not about getting; it is also about
letting go....for a meaningful reason; all I have learnt from my life so far
is, when you are standing on that dilemma to choose between two paths, always
choose the one that relates to your ground reality, not what you
like/dislike... Heart vs mind, war within..Mind wins again! My poor heart, let
it go... (FB Post/ gopaltrital)
Year 2011; I don’t know if I’m trying to bring the
friendship out of the love or proving the friendship which was based on love.
For you, it might look like I renounced the love…for me, it has just started.
I know 'moving on' is not an easy task, but believe me, I’m also sacrificing
something that you would never understand.
For now, let’s free ourselves, let’s focus on our
studies….and then, future could hold anything for you or for me or for us or
for them.
Soul Vibration
Heart always favors impressions. But it lacks the capacity to analyze. If we
like someone, just likes it, it won't pause to calculate the merit, demerit,
plus, minus or any outcome or any shortcomings.Like her? Probably yes... But, no, coz she is unaware
of me, what she knows is the impression she has of me. I love to be true. If a
person likes your true being, that would be the true like....Law of attraction foul plays law of logic. (Blogpost
/gopaltrital 12 Nov)
The first time I saw her, I liked her for she looked
beautiful. But, later, she didn’t look as beautiful; I found that her potential
to grow up and realize the dream of her father was even more beautiful.
Never underestimate or overrate any person by how s/he
looks or how s/he impresses you at the first meet. In fact, you can never
estimate anyone's capability or weakness. Everyone is a genius unless he/she is
unaware of his/her capabilities. (FB post/gopaltrital)
I’m a different kind of person. While other boys would be happy to admire the
beauty, would consider proving themselves manly by compelling their
counterparts to enact slavery, I would love to encourage them to grow up and
follow their dreams.
In general context, 'marriage', 'husband' n 'children' define the future of
woman's life in Nepal. What about their own capabilities, interest and talent?
Why do women need to showcase their complacency of being a housewife to a
successful husband in the name of love? Why not a successful wife? Girls, you
should rise in love rather than falling in love. (FB Post/gopaltrital)
Having been to this age, discrimination by male dominant society is not the
only factor that has led to the weakening of women's position; one of the major
factors, is the lack of self-awareness in women themselves about the tremendous
advantage she has over man.. Women themselves have to initiate their
capabilities if they wish to sustain in a society like ours where gender
equality is still a complicated issue. (FB Post/gopaltrital)
Sometime, when you know you are right, you need to give damn to what others
say, for you know they are there just for the sake of saying.
Basically, more than her color or anything, I liked
her subconscious attempt to fulfill the dream of her father. She should
understand that there are girls who are talented, who have dreams but yet are
helpless for they are not supported either by their parents or they are
financially weak to carry out their dreams.
Don’t believe anyone blindly, not even the person who
you love most; world could be much different than what you know.
There were people who were misunderstanding our closeness to have been
something else, but we knew it was all virtual. I have already said, for me,
‘like’ doesn’t mean love; and love doesn’t mean to be 'in relationship'.
The only thing that can destroy the meaning of friendship is
I'm surprised and often affected invisibly when my word unbuckles a strange
misinterpretation; and the rights everyone possesses to understand my words in
their own way. They figure it out at the best of their indefinite capacities
and turn out at me to shock me with things I've never asked for. And, the one I
ask for is never heard even if I put it in a simple way. Talk to me for a
clarification rather than enacting fake or a satirical remark. I hate
misunderstandings! (FB Post/gopaltrital)
Year 2011; a rise of a wonderful friend... (at least I think so)
Discovering the family amongst strangers
When I reached Kathmandu, it all looked like stadium
full of strange faces. I was skeptic about how didi’s relatives would be. I was
surprised to find that I was being cared, loved and welcomed as a part of their
family members; unlike what many others would have done in Kathmandu.
'It's an inexpressible joy that I experience
when I meet strangers rather than the known faces.' (FB post/gopaltrital)
It was a memorable stay with Reecha_Pradhan and Rubina_Pradhan who are like my
younger sisters though Mom later named the relation to have been a
‘Father-daughter’ relation. I was glad enough to find a grown up daughter.
:) The third musketeer in the house, Shweta_Pakuwal was equally warm and
welcoming though at times she chose to stay silent (coz of her phone
calls) or she hated to clean the kitchen. The arguments and discussions
about their routine tasks (cooking + cleaning and TV Serials) provided daily dosage
of entertainment for Nitu didi and me. And, more than the serials, their
explanation or proclamation of story used to be more interesting. Reecha’s
counseling sessions (even when not about NIIT), Rubina’s body expression while
talking and Shweta’s unknown ‘stare’ was remarkable about the house.
When Nitu di’s family arrived later, I was then worried if I would be able to
adapt with everyone. I am always an unsocial person. I seldom visit my
relatives. And, I rarely participate in social functions.
But, it just took an hour, to find myself as the part of Nitu di’s family. They
were all so warm and loving. Mom and Buwa were so caring parents. Sanjay dai,
Saurabh dai, Pritesh dai, Bhauju and Kunal everyone looked more as my relative
than a stranger, in fact they were more than a relative for me. I was so happy
to be with them. Mama and Maiju pairing was wonderful. Mama’s knowledge of
astrology and curing disease was remarkable. He even read my lines and said
that I would be a millionaire, either by marrying a rich girl or would be
winning a grand lottery (for me, both looks like a lottery :) ). Mama’s
sense of humor is equally commendable.
As everyone had arrived in Kathmandu for a grand celebration, I was the one who
was busy transporting family members. I hope I could manage equal share of
transportation to each and everyone in the house. :)
After the Grand celebration was over, everyone was planning to visit
Manakamana, but an email from my office about indefinite bandh ruined the plan.
Later, the bandh was found ineffective. Buwa, Mom and I, on the behalf of
everyone, visited Manakamana the following day. It was simply awesome. The
cable-car ride was scenic. The view of Mountain ranges was superb.
View from Manakamana |
Time speeded so fast. I had not then realized that they would all be departing,
and I would be all alone again. The happiness was short lived but was not
temporary; I have found relatives amongst the strangers.
The unplanned journey (on bike, brt-ktm) and the unintended stay for almost
10 days here; 've found me a wonderful fren, warm relatives and ever caring
affection from everyone; completely out of strangers. This is so special for a
person like me who is so unsocial with an inability to make new frens. 'It's an
inexpressible joy that I experience when I meet strangers rather than the known
faces.' Being into the wild, in search of a real happiness; I wish to be here
for forever but the journey has to be on; for I know it's more on the way. Time
is getting close to wish a goodbye, with hopes that the wave would invite more
life. (FB post/gopaltrital)
‘Neetu Weds Ramesh’ – The Grand Celebration
Finally; about the Grand celebration of the Year 2011.
Shopping, Shopping and Shopping. It all explains about
the preparation.
Nitu di knew everything. She had all calculations, all
plans and all the ways to carry out those plans. Every evening, one of our
primary tasks used to be hear her shopping lists. Not to forget, this used to
be followed by Demos by three musketeers in the house. It all ended when
finally Ramesh dai took her away. :)
Anil dai was generous enough to lose some cash during
a card game:). Atul dai’s aka Mohit Chauhan’s songs; Bharati didi’s pictures
and Pritesh dai’s rough bike rides were memorable. Sakin dai and Sangeeta di
were such a nice people. They always cared and made sure that everything was
going good. They are the most lovely couple I have ever seen (along with Neetu
di & Ramesh dai’s :)). Not to forget, Sakin dai even managed to record my ‘Into
the Wild’ song out of my pseudo-drunken state.
Neetu_Malla (my soul mother in Southern-Hemisphere :) ) ’s wedding
ceremony was the reason why I was in Kathmandu. I had never enjoyed in any
wedding ceremony like the way I enjoyed in her wedding. As she is from Newar
community, it was a learning experience for me to know about how people marry
in Newari culture. Saipata – was one of the remarkable formalities, I
must say. Whatever the bridge-groom side brings, the bride side has to return
in double. That gave me some hints about how I could turn the future-forecast
of Mama, about me being a millionaire, true. :)
The party celebration was full of fun. When people started dancing on music, I was thinking that I should stay away. But soon I found myself dancing
in the middle. I was dancing like there was no tomorrow. So, that was how I
chose to end my travel. I wanted to unleash myself. No more restraining the
feelings of pain or happiness. Every songs; I was in my own world. Steps didn’t
matter; it was all about being ecstatic.
The more I was dancing, the more I was getting proud of myself, thanking me for
giving me such a wonderful feeling of joy and happiness. I was so ecstatic that I was behaving like a drunk; and was not able to hold any
feelings. :)
Unchained! It was the best time of Year 2011.
Last words
Year 2011; has been the best year of my life. It has
taught me lessons. It has gifted me wonderful memories. It has helped me grow.
It has helped me cry. It has motivated a smile.
Year 2011; I thank everyone for helping me discover
the Year 2011 at its best.
I am not including names this year for if I do, the list would get longer than
this post. :)
Thank you everyone!
Year 2011; has also been a year of the closure of our office in Biratnagar.
I’m starting a new year in a new place at Bharatpur. When year 2010 had ended,
I had new dreams for 2011; and I must say, all those dreams have been
fulfilled. Year 2011 has also helped me see new dreams and I would be following
them in a new way…. another year awaits me…
Travelling makes me wander for insatiable demand of happiness; Study makes
me grow for competitions ahead; Pain makes me more stronger; Happiness keeps me
inspired; Failure teaches lessons; Difficulties conspire new opportunities....
''m on the move along my path with colors ahead' ..
See you next year!
Lots of Love,